Yes, even though it's not a business as such... I still would like to pass to "customers" their bracelets in a professional way. Instead of hand to hand or in a cheap looking plastic kind... Presentation. Is the key. LOL. (Currently recollecting what my MGM lecturer taught us...)
Anyway, here are the pictures.
I found some rainbow coloured popsicle sticks from this 80cent store or something of the sorts. I bought it thinking it would be a nice and different way to put my bracelets on...
Bought this plastic bag from somewhere else and it really appealed to me not only because of the colour, but it had butterflies on it! OK call me lame. But that right there, screams HANCPD. LOL
So this is how one sleeve? Sheet? of plastic looks like. The printed words were quite lame, but I was willing to over look that for the design. It says "Welcome, Thank You." Goes to show I'm polite as well?
So this is how I presented my bracelets. I would wrap them around the popsicle stick according to colour like shown below and...
Behind I have written down this blogsite and email would be readily located at my profile details (=
This is just to show you how it all would look like when I put the bracelet in. The effect is quite nice actually. Note, one bag per customer. So those below, are for two separate people (= In case you all think I waste resources or something...
Tadah! With the string ribbon to tie it all up. Again, colour coded. For now. Though I might think of changing it by randomizing the colours I would use for the future strings